Workshop for the Paris College of Art.

Today artists and designers redefine our relationship to our environment by imagining new types of interfaces through analog and digital materials. One of this field is focusing on the combination between electronic and textile to open new relation with technology and new forms of interactions. Breaking the paradigm of the electronic hardware, a new range of smart textiles, conductive threads allows creators to make soft circuits differently and open alternative possibilities for creation.

During the workshop, students will discover the universe of electronic textile and a new range of material and techniques to imagine and create new soft interfaces.


2 Février
9h – 12h :
Introduction to workshop
Presentation of the notion of interface
Presentation of material
First experimentations actuators (Embed led, speaker)
First experimentations sensors (switches, pressure)
13h – 15h :
First research
15h – 16h :
Text / notion of the concept
16h – 18h :
Video prototyping of the interaction

23 Février
9h – 12h :
Work on project (experimentation, test)
13h – 16h :
Work on project
16h – 17h :
Documentation of the project
17h – 18h :
Final presentation

Introduction to workshop

Some result of the research during the workshop :
Bouncing Lights
Experiment of movement computation
Sensitive fabric wall
Led Wall
Playing with magnets
Feet sensor
Live action mannequin
Painted photography