Workshop Project

Members: VOISIN Marjolaine, YAHIA Emma, LECANU Camille, THEVENET Marie, BOUREAU Elise.


Who: with parents

– ceux dont on descend en ligne direct.

When: in a near future

  • réalisable actuellement,
  • pas trop futuriste.

Where: isolate from everyone

  • isolation phonique, acoustique,
  • isolation thermique,
  • isolation des personnes, social,
  • isolation par le handicap
  • isolation géographique,
  • isolation culturelle,
  • isolation écologique,

Material: Luminous

Définition lumieux : Qui émet et repend la lumière, Qui est très claire, Ce dit d’une couleur vive ou claire, éclatante, rayonnant (teint, sourire), Peut être naturel ou artificiel.

STEP 2/ Brainstorming

  • App to send messages in a certain perimeter to announce that someone is inviting to drink a hot chocolat and to share a good moment.
  • hologram on a watch to communicate with your network (family, friends, kids).
  • a boxe that shows what another person is recording anywhere in the world.


TITLE: NAHo (Numeric Adventure Hologram – in reference to “now”)

Describe the idea? A box  that shows what another person is recording elsewhere in the world (for example exhibition, shows, sport) in live. The boxe uses an hologram in 180° and a connection with GoPro.

Describe the communication fonction ? The communication function is about communicate with anyone in the world.

Describe the context and user: We are targeted lonely persons which are stuck at home (or in an hospital), in order to allow them to travel trough others’ experiences.

Different targets:

  • someone in a wheelchair,
  • someone old that can’t move or do sports,
  • parents who want to share a moment with their children,
  • someone who can’t afford big travels.

In order to:

  • assist to an event (wedding in another country, birthday party, funerals)
  • assist to an limited exhibition,
  • assist to a lecture/meeting
  • travel all around the world and discover new things (part of the world), traditions, …
  • living experiences trough others (extreme sport for example)

Explanation drawing:

Our ideas for the shape, with a sort of light like this inside:


Presentation of our design product through conversation and mail between a mother and her daughter.

  • Marjolaine: Hi mum, how are you?
  • Isabelle: Fine and you? I just come back home.
  • M: Soso… I have a bad new.
  • I: What happens? Tell me?
  • M: I just learned that I would not have a Christmas break so I could not go home. I’m sad not to do Christmas with you and all the rest of the family this year…
  • I: Oh no!! Can you find a solution?
  • M: No sorry I tried everything I really cannot. Besides, I’ve got to go, I’ll call you back later.


A day after, the mom send an email to her daughter:

“Hi Marjolaine,

I hope you are fine.

I spoke with your brother and he gave me a great idea for you to spend Christmas with us. It is a high-tech box that broadcasts public or private images shot live around the world. The images are transcribed in holograms at 180 ° so that you can imagine with us. You just have to shoot with a connected camera and you will receive live images. You can also film yourself so that we can seeyou and we can communicate together, as if you were present at the meal with us.

Do you think it’s a good idea? If you agree, I buy you a pack with a box and a camera, and I send it to you.

In addition, the design of the box will please you because it is made of crystal and is very sophisticated.




Our video on Youtube:

Our prototype:


Why NAHo ?

  • to leave a real experience through a 180° hologram in HD,
  • HD provides by our partnership with GoPro,
  • Experience in live with anyone who’s sharing,
  • You can leave a personal message in hologram. So, if you miss the call, you still have the person in front of you,
  • Very easy to take away (light),
  • Very beautiful design (almost a piece of art).