Where : Sciences Po (campus Reims)
Today, a understanding of digital cultures cannot be achieved without practice. Indeed, the apprehension of the gestures and the language of these helps to demystify some of these facets. It is therefore by combining the practice of code and decoding that this course have attempt to deploy through 7 sessions of 2 hours each, certain major societal issues in which digital has now become completely infused. At the crossroads of manual practices and the potential of the digital world, this course have allow student to explore new forms of interaction located in the physical world but mixed with digital environments. These physical and virtual reflections have sketch hypotheses for potential futures.
Each class have been divide into three parts :
– Theoretical contribution around digital cultures dealing with its history, evolution, societal impact, current events… which will be fed by a debate / discussion on the subject of the day.
– Experimentation with several digital tools. During these moments, they have been confront with code, data manipulation, networks, the creation of alternative interfaces…
– A digital investigation related to the sustainability question. This survey have been conduct in small groups and the results of it have been presented in digital form. Website, blog, video, podcast, use of social networks (instagram, twitter…).
Here some example of the result of students’s investigation :
– e-commerce / An intrepid jump into the mysterious world of WISH.com!
– What impact can Instagram have on one’s perception of a politician or ministry?
– Investigating Zero Waste Food Shops
– The environmental impact of streaming services